Wednesday, November 19, 2014

<head> Tag

The <head> element or the tag is just a container for all other header elements. It should be the first thing to appear after the opening <html> tag.

Child elements of   <head>  element :-

  • <title> :- Used to display the title of the web page
  • <base> 
  • <object> :- Designed to include images,Java Script objects,Flash Animations,MP3 files and so on.
  • <link> :- To link an external file such as Style Sheet or Java Script files.
  • <style> :- Include script to the web document.
  • <meta> :- Includes the information about the document such as keywords and description which are helpful to search and search engine optimization.

Opening <head> tag can carry following attributes :-
  1. id
  2. dir
  3. lang
  4. xml:lang
  5. profile

Among the child elements of <head> tag we are only concentrating on <title> tag because it gives an idea to the user or the reader about the content of the web page even without reading the content.

<title> tag

You should specify a title for every web page you write. 

It is used in several ways :-
  1. At the top of the browser window.
  2. As the default name for a bookmark in browsers.
  3. By search engines that use its content to help index pages.

It's important to use a title which describes the content of the page. As an example rather than using the title of the home page as "Home Page" it is more applicable to use as "Web Devops Home".

<title>Web Devops Home</title>

<title> element should contain only the text for the title.
The <title> element can carry following attributes :-
  1. id
  2. dir
  3. lang
  4. xml:lang

We will be discussing about the <body> element in the next article..

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