Friday, November 21, 2014

<body> Tag

The <body> element appears after the <head> element and contains the part of the web page that you actually see in the main browser window, which is sometimes referred to as body content. It may contain only some paragraph tags or more complicated layouts containing forms, anchor tags, tables and more on. Most of the tags or elements in HTML goes between opening body tag (<body>) and closing body tag (</body>).
(You will be meeting these tags in the future articles.)

Some elements come between <body> tags :-

  • <a> : Anchor Tag
  • <p> : Paragraph Tag
  • <table> : Table Tag
  • <ul> : Unordered List
  • <ol> : Ordered List, etc....

These elements have attributes that adds extra information about the element that carries them. These attributes will come inside the opening tag of the element. There are main three attribute groups :-

  1. Core Attributes :- The class,id ,style and title attributes.
  2. Internationalization Attributes :- The dir,lang and xml:lang attributes.
  3. UI Events :- Attributes associated with events. (onclick,ondoubleclick,onmousedown,onmouseup,onmouseover,onmouseout,onkeypress,etc...)

Core Attributes

There are 4 core attributes that can be used on the majority. 

  • id :- To give an identity to elements
  • title :- To give a suggested title
  • class :- Used to associate the element with a style sheet
  • style :- Allows to specify CSS rules within the element.

Internationalization Attributes

There are 3 internationalization attributes which are available for most elements.

UI Events

UI events you to associate an event, such as mouse click or a mouse bring over an element. 

Following are the most common events:-

onclick , ondoubleclick , onmousedown , onmouseup , onmouseover , onmousemove , onmouseout , onkeydown , onkeypress , onkeyup

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