Sunday, March 29, 2015

System Analysis and Design(SAD) - Part 2 (Types of Information Systems)

System Analysis and Design - Types of Information Systems

Well our today's topic is about Information System Types. We can divide information systems into 3 basic categories. 
  1. Operational Level Information Systems
  2. Middle Level Information Systems
  3. Top Level Information Systems

Operational Level Information Systems are used by Operational level managers and staff which will help in their decision making and making their work easier.
Middle Level Information Systems are used by Middle level managers and staff which will help them in decision making,summarizing data and creating daily,monthly and yearly reports and making their work easier.
Top Level Information Systems are used by the personals which are in the top levels of the organizational hierarchy. They use these kind of information systems to ease their decision making because the behavior and the future of the organization will depend on these decisions so the information which is provided by these kind of information systems must be reliable and accurate.

We can also categorize information systems according to their operational functionality.

  1. Transaction Processing Systems(TPS)
  2. Management Information Systems(MIS)
  3. Decision Support Systems(DSS)
  4. Executive Information Systems(EIS)
  5. Expert Systems(ES)
  6. Communication and Collaboration Systems(CCS)
  7. Office Automation Systems(OAS)

Transaction Processing Systems are designed to capture and process data about day today transactions. 

Management Information Systems are designed for management oriented reporting. These information systems generates reports based on the data which is captured from the Transaction Processing Systems.

Decision Support Systems helps to identify decision support opportunities for top level managers. It provides relevant information to help make decisions and provides its users or the top level managers with decision oriented information whenever decision making situation arises.

Executive Information Systems are also designed for the use of top level managers. These information systems will  support the planning and assessment needs of executive managers. These systems are capable of integrating of data all over the organization into a graphical indicators and controls.

Expert Systems is a programmed decision making information system. It is capable of capturing and reproduce knowledge and expertise of a human expert. It stimulates thinking of the expert. This is a best and an effective way to keep the knowledge of a human experts inside the organizations even though expert have left the organization.

Communication and Collaboration Systems helps to enable more effective  communication between workers,partners,customers and suppliers. Enhances their ability to collaborate.
Office Automation Systems supports wide range of business office activities. It provides improved workflow between workers.

If you haven't read the Introduction - Introduction to Information Systems

Well thanks for reading..Bellow comment box is open for your ideas,comments,suggestions...

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